Hi and thank you.

I was on that site before, but none of the mirror-links worked. The direct links to potato were broken and on the other side potato isn't so far in /debian-archive like hamm or slink for example.

But you are right, ONE link on the site answers my question!

Only with the United-States-server I could run apt-get update successfully:

deb ftp://archive.debian.org/debian-archive/ potato contrib main non-free

I don't know why I cannot take a local mirror like ftp.de.debian.org for the old potato.

Kind Regards,

Ryan Walters wrote:
On Wed, 17 Sep 2003 14:04:17 +0200, you wrote:

Hi group,

I know potato is obsolete, but today I wanted to update a machine the last time, before I do a distribution-update to woody.

But it seems, some apt sources are broken now, I get errors like the following when doing "apt-get update":

http://www.debian.org/distrib/archive should answer your questions..

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