On Du, 28 nov 10, 11:34:55, Klistvud wrote:
> <Just a thought>
> I've just recently read somewhere that GNU/Linux performance of some
> of the major video cards lags behind their Windows performance by as
> much as 40-50%, especially in 3D and OpenGL performance, and that at
> higher resolutions the lag gets even bigger. I think that data was
> about the binary drivers and that the open drivers are even more
> behind.
> Anyhow, my thinking was: given that Intel has more or less fully
> opened their drivers, perhaps their video cards, even if somewhat
> inferior from the purely hardware point of view, are nonetheless
> your best option when running GNU/Linux specifically. In other
> words: is it better to have a high-end video card with less than
> suboptimal drivers, or would you effectively be better off with a
> somewhat middle-of-the road card having optimized drivers?
> </Just a thought>

Not sure how much slower (if at all) the Linux drivers are, but Intel 
cards are just too slow for any serious 3D.

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