I am a new user of Debian. I have the operating system installed but due to some difficulties cannot seem able to install packages. At install when I use apt it starts okay but then I get a configuration error in configuring Binutils . I do not need to tell you how important this feature is. It returns an error trouble linking kernel. It says this problem occurs in older kernels and some new (woody is using an old kernel?). It further says the problem is not with the linker but the kernel source. It says to edit linker script for architecture. It goes on to give an example, 'arch/i386/vmlinux.lds'. I found two files using the name arch (the other was a zip file). The one I got into was binary and I was unable to read it. I can't read much anyway because the less command is not available. apt-setup is not available either once you boot into the operating system. Anyway there is no arch directory. The script suggested I acc ess file vmlinux.lds and remove an entry on a discard line called *(.text.exit). Unless I can find that file or the directory and then the file I cannot try anything. I would be forced to try dselect or dpkg to install the things I want. I know you guys did not release woody with such a critical defect. I have CDs from a endor with a link on a Debian wedsite. The bill for this copy is going into dispute for this and other reasons. If you know of any solutions to this problem please email me (or post them).
I think I subscribed to your user list.I subscribed under using this email account or another (I'm not sure). If this email address is not signed up to the user list please put this email address on the user list. I would appreciate it.

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