I recently had to recover from a hard drive failure in my Debian squeeze
desktop computer.  After the usual thrashing around I have managed to (I
think) recover all my files and configuration information from backup, get
grub installed, and get all the grub configurations set properly so that
Debian boots and I am greeted with the Gnome login screen.  Unfortunately,
When I enter my username and password I am informed that my session lasted
less than 10 seconds, and that if I did not log myself out then something
must be wrong.  When I view the ~/.xsession-errors file, what I see is:

/etc/gdm/Xsession: Beginning session setup ...
mkdtemp: private socket dir: Permission denied

When I try to use failsafe gnome, I get the error:

/usr/lib/libgconf2-4/gconf-sanity-check-2 exited with status 256

I can log in using failsafe terminal (so user account information has been
recovered properly).

Any suggestions for what needs to be done?  I have a Debian-live rescue CD
and a Debian-live with Gnome DVD, both of which run correctly.

Thanks in advance,

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