On 11/08/2010 04:52 PM, Stan Hoeppner wrote:
> Correct.  I've been doing it for over 5 years now.  As long as your IP
> reputation is clean, you shouldn't have any issues sending outbound mail
> from your Postfix box.  Let's see:
> http://www.mxtoolbox.com/SuperTool.aspx?action=blacklist%3a208.65.91.107
> Clean as a whistle.  You won't get blocked due to dnsbls ("RBLs").
nice site.. I've seen some of my off-list replies to SOME people get
eaten by one of those sites... sorbs-xxx sounds familiar..
and that was from my HOSTING service.. bad news!

> What happens if/when a customer's router (and thus dyndns daemon) blows
> chunks, or the PC they have running the auto update client does the
> same?  Or what to do about customers who don't have an auto updatig
> mechanism?   There's needs to be a mechanism to allow manually updating
> the IP address via their control panel.  And, tada:
> http://www.hardwarefreak.com/tzo.jpg
> Simple as that.  Thus, the service, although geared toward dynamic IP
> use, also works perfectly well for static IP use.  You set it once, and
> forget it.
well, I'm not sure I see the difference between tzo & dyndns, as far as
services are concerned..
I'd have to look up reviews, comments..tzo would be twice as expensive
as dyndns, and we are only talking dns hosting, but I'll look at both.
> Interestingly, I had to renew my 12 month service just last month.  I
> went looking around for cheaper DNS hosting.  I thought I'd be able to
> find "DNS only" hosting for a similar or cheaper rate.  I couldn't find
> any.  I'm not saying it doesn't exist, but I couldn't find it.  The
> closest thing I found was VPS for $9.95 a month which included DNS
> hosting, but I didn't want or need a VPS.  So, for that reason, and that
> fact that when I move I may end up with a dynamic IP, I stuck with TZO.
>  I'm a smoker, at a pack a day.  I spend, currently, $3.76 per day on
> smokes.  TZO DNS hosting is $5 per _month_.  Makes it really easy to
> justify when put in these terms. :)
cough, cough, ever considered quitting smoking??<G>
> Paul, if you do this, and create an MX record to get the mail flowing to
> your Postfix server, you need to make damn sure you've got Postfix setup
> correctly to receive inbound mail for pcartwright.com.  *AND* you need
> to login to your current domain registrar and change your dns servers
> over to TZO.  Every domain registered has DNS servers assigned to that
> domain.  For instance: 

> Info on transferring name 
> servers:http://www.tzo.com/MainPageDomains/TransferringDomains.html
yeah, I've done that before.. I know how to log into my registrar.. I
just transferred my domain 2 years ago. I had a problem with my ISP,
AT&T not wanting to send emails to my domain, and vice-versa.. so I
dropped AT&T as my ISP and moved my domain to justhost. I really wanted
to host my own email, but I missed the dns server issue..

> I've not spoon fed you everything.  There's quite a bit to setup in the
> TZO control panel, such as your domain name, etc.  You'll figure it out.
> Ping me on or off list if you need help.  As always, *read before doing*. :)
I WILL do that! seems like my domain has a problem emailing you
off-list.. as I recall..

Paul Cartwright
Registered Linux user # 367800 

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