In <>, Doug wrote:
>On 11/04/2010 10:50 PM, ZephyrQ wrote:
>> If you could not/did not use Debian (either Lenny, Squeeze, or Sid),
>> which other distribution would you use and why?
>One thing I
>really _don't_ like about Debian is its fear of the copyright.  I really
>Thunderbird and Firefox, with their familiar icons, on my screen, not the
>goofy clones that Debian has come up with.

It's not a "fear".  It's a reality.  The Mozilla Foundation contacted Debian 
Developers and asked them to come into compliance on the trademark usage 
allowances that Mozilla provides.

Debian's choices were:  1. Seek approval from the Mozilla Foundation for *all* 
patches.  2. Stop using the trademark.

Choosing #1 basically results in firefox / thunderbird never getting into 
stable.  Because the lifetime of a Debian release is longer that Mozilla is 
willing to support a version of firefox / thunderbird and Debian requires the 
ability to apply security updates for the lifetime of a release.

Choosing #2 results in firefox / thunderbind being rebranded iceweasel / 
iceowl.  They use the same source code as firefox / thunderbird, but they are 
configured with the an alternate branding.  They may also have a few patches 
applied to them that may or may not be approved by Mozilla; you can check the 
debian/patches directory in the source package to see what is patched.

Debian did not make the decision lightly or unilaterally.

There is a third choice, I guess: Ship firefox / thunderbird in non-free.  
Support for non-free is best-effort, which basically means that if upstream is 
willing to fix it then the security team / maintainers will package it.  This 
basically results in Debian stable's non-free containing software with known 
security vulnerabilities that Mozilla is unwilling to fix.
Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.                   ,= ,-_-. =.                   ((_/)o o(\_))
ICQ: 514984 YM/AIM: DaTwinkDaddy         `-'(. .)`-'                    \_/

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