On Tuesday 16 September 2003 12:19, Karsten M. Self wrote:

(much snippage for bandwidth)

> > What I was thinking of, solely for the purposes of quick swapping
> > between DOS and Linux, was a floppy with an absolutely minimal kernel
> > on it, to which I could add the one app I really wanted - cfdisk -
> > just to tweak the partition types.    As it is, RIP boots reasonably
> > quickly and has fdisk which will do.
> There's a serious difference between GNU/Linux and DOS on size here.
> For DOS, you need the "kernel" (command.com) and statically linked
> executables.  This combination is tiny, and you can pack a pretty
> impressive array of tools onto a single floppy disk.
> For GNU/Linux, you need:
>   - The kernel.
>   - Standard libraries (/lib).
>   - init
>   - control files (/etc)
>   - Kernel modules
>   - A shell
>   - Binaries (/bin, /sbin)
> By the time you get to all of this, it's hard to pack it all onto a
> single 1.4 MiB floppy.  In fact, Tom's Root Boot doesn't fit on a 1.4
> MiB disk, it formats the floppy to 1.7 MiB.  Even then, it's using
> stripped versions of many utilities, and busybox (a sort of all-in-one
> utility application), a stripped-down shell (ash), and other tricks.
> And its still a pretty minimal system.  But it works and it's useful.

Yes, I know that, and Tom's boasts that it's the most you can possibly get on 
a floppy.   I've made one and it works.

But what I wanted for quick swapping was just a floppy with cfdisk on it 
(plus the minimum necessary to boot it).   OK, this may not be easy to do.

> Again, a floppy is a bit thin for what you have in mind.  I'd strongly
> recommend using the LNX-BBC (shell out to the EFF for one, and do a good
> deed as well as a favor for yourself).

I'll check it out.

> > Also of course, the images on all the rescue disks are much compressed
> > and unpack into far more space in the RAMdisk.   DOS being a much smaller
> > and more limited OS, can easily be fitted onto a boot floppy.
> >
> > But because of that, the disks are full and I can't add anything else to
> > them.
> <sigh>
> I guess I don't expect anyone to atually research stuff before they make
> statements like this anymore....
>     http://www.toms.net/rb/tomsrtbt.FAQ
>     7) Customizing


Thanks, I've archived that for reference.   

Actually, I *did* notice that tomsrtbt is customizable, just that the thought 
of customizing a 82-track 1.7MB floppy full of compressed stuff and Busybox 
seemed a little like overkill for the quick'n'dirty all-I-want-is-cfdisk  
floppy that I had in mind.   



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