Ron Johnson put forth on 10/28/2010 5:56 PM:

> But, but, but... cheap replacement manufacturers are pure of heart and
> only want the best for us!!!

> Gasp!!  The HP would get more profit!!!

Beware.  This is what you will get when you rebut Ron's statements,
proving some of his points incorrect, in a couple of threads in a row,
which I did in the past couple of weeks.  I was rebutting purported
facts, not Ron himself.  Apparently Ron didn't see it that way.

He realizes he'll look foolish if rebutting fact, so he simply attempts
childish behavior such as that above, taking your comments in an
unrelated thread out of context, putting them into a context of his
choosing, and then attempts to paint you or your position in an
untruthful light.  This tactic is expected of left wing political hacks
on sites like or, but on debian user?  I thought we
deal in technical facts here.

I've still never figured out if Ron is this 50 something experienced and
nearly retired IT hand he claims to be, of if he's actually some 23 year
old living in his mom's basement as in the last Die Hard movie (although
he can't be nearly as cool as Kevin Smith).  The latter would explain
the lack of maturity, the former does not.

Should we take a poll?  Is Ron Johnson

A.  A 50 something 'ish IT veteran as he claims
B.  A 20 something tech geek living in mom's basement



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