on Mon, Sep 15, 2003 at 09:08:21PM -0500, Nathan Poznick ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Thus spake Karsten M. Self:
> > allow use of a slow but quiet and cool PPro 180Mhz 256MB as X
> > The notably exception is Galeon, which...seems...to...freeze...or...lag...
> > particularly when opening or closing tabs.  Scrolling pages can be jumpy
> > (wheel mouse).  Otherwise, once a page is loaded, response is pretty
> > good.  I use a userContent.css with on-hover highlighting of links --
> > this responds quickly (pretty much instantaneously).  It's the tab
> > open/clse events which seem to throw it.
> Just out of curiosity, are you using antialiased fonts?  If so, have you
> tried disabling them?  It very well may not give you any difference in
> performance, but if I'm thinking properly the antialiasing will be
> happening on the client end (i.e., the slow machine), which could in
> theory cause some icky slowness.

I am, I think.  Where would I check?


Karsten M. Self <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>        http://kmself.home.netcom.com/
 What Part of "Gestalt" don't you understand?
  Backgrounder on the Caldera/SCO vs. IBM and Linux dispute.

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