On Thu, 09 Sep 2010 20:26:46 +0200
Merciadri Luca <luca.mercia...@student.ulg.ac.be> wrote:

> Hi,
> There are sometimes some websites (such as news ones) which make an
> extensive use of flash stuff. Amongst the animations, flash is
> sometimes also used for ads, etc., and I don't like this. Are there
> any Iceweasel tools which can detect these ads, or use a public DB to
> avoid displaying these ads? Or is there any related solution?

I would also recommend using a good hosts file! This is the one I use
[1], I know its targets at windows, but it still blocks all major ad
networks etc. ;)
> Thanks.

[1] http://www.mvps.org/winhelp2002/hosts.htm


Angus Hedger

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