On Wed, Jul 21, 2010 at 02:43:11PM +0100, Lisi wrote:
> On Wednesday 21 July 2010 10:45:06 Sjoerd Hardeman wrote:
> >  In
> > the long run, you'll either have to accept KDE4 or use the fork of KDE
> > 3.5 at http://trinity.pearsoncomputing.net/.
> Or choose something else.  CLI? Fluxbox? Another DE?  Trinity looks 
> promissing, but seems to be focussed on Ubuntu.
> Now that poses a real dilemma.  Which to abandon?  KDE 3.5.x or Debian??

I switched to XFCE, and I'm not looking back.  The awful bloat and
unresponsiveness of KDE4 made it a breath of fresh air!  It does
almost everything I need and I'm pretty happy with it.  Certainly
much happier than I am with the state of current Gnome and KDE.


  .''`.  Roger Leigh
 : :' :  Debian GNU/Linux             http://people.debian.org/~rleigh/
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