KS wrote at 2010-05-18 20:15 -0600:
> What is the experience of other users who have tested out Chromium in
> Debian?

I like chromium.  To me it seems faster and the interface more efficient.  
Iceweasel (on amd64) always crashed occasionally for me.  I don't recall that 
chromium has crashed (even a single tab) for me yet.  Iceweasel also seems to 
have significant memory leaks, and the memory is not recovered by closing all 
the tabs (but 1).  With chromium a closed tab ends a process, so hopefully any 
existing memory leaks have a significantly lesser impact on the system's 

There has been a shortage of good browsers in the past in my opinion.  Now 
there are 2 promising browsers beside chromium: uzbl and midori.

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