On Monday 07 June 2010 10:46:15 T o n g wrote:
> Hi,
> What should I do if encountered the "Interactive rebase already started"
> situation?
> I did:
>   $ git checkout -b t/unmount
>   Switched to a new branch 't/unmount'
>   # hack grml-debootstrap
>   $ git rebase -i origin/master
>   Waiting for Emacs...
>   Cannot 'squash' without a previous commit
> But I did the commit. Otherwise, git would complain "Working tree is
> dirty" (ref, http://paste.grml.org/7/). Maybe it is because there is only
> a single commit there, and I should use pick instead of squash?

You can't squash/fixup unless there is a previously pick-ed commit, yes.

If you want to "squash" you changes into the current head, you can use the "--
amend" option to Git's commit command.  However, you normally do not want to 
do that if that commit has already been published.

>   $ git rebase -i origin/master
>   Interactive rebase already started
> I mean, how can I fix the problem? Now

(git rebase --abort), I think.
> git gui &
> git diff HEAD
> show nothing has changed, and I've lost my commit comments.
> Please help.

This isn't really a Git support group.  You may have better luck asking such 
questions on the Git mailing list.  No need to subscribe, since it allows 
posting from anyone and CC-ing the author is the norm for that list.
Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.                   ,= ,-_-. =.
b...@iguanasuicide.net                  ((_/)o o(\_))
ICQ: 514984 YM/AIM: DaTwinkDaddy         `-'(. .)`-'
http://iguanasuicide.net/                    \_/

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