On Sat, Jun 05, 2010 at 20:41 +0200, Paul Chany wrote:
> Wolodja Wentland <wentl...@cl.uni-heidelberg.de> writes:

> > There are a variety of ways to *switch* keymaps within X and most
> > desktop environments provide their own tools to do so.
> > (gnome-keyboard-properties for example), but you can always use a tool
> > such as "setxkbmap" to switch to a different keymap without the need to
> > run "gnome-settings-daemon" (or other applicable DE daemons/tools). It is
> > fairly easy to define hotkeys that trigger different "setxkbmap"
> > commands in most window managers.
> I don't use GNOME. I was always used fookb-wmaker on Window Maker to
> swtich keyboard layouts.

Yes, sure. I never assumed that you do and just wanted to point out how
*other* WMs/DEs handle the situation. Is setxkbmap working?

> > What went wrong with "X -configure" or "X -configure :1"? It is hard to
> > help if you don't provide any output generated by these programs? Have
> > you read the wiki page I linked?

> Like I sed there isn't any output of X -configure command; the system
> hangs forever, so I must to restart the PC Box with the Reset Button.

That is unfortunate and you might want to file a bug against Xorg, but
as fookb-wmaker seems to need a specific Xorg configuration you will
have to configure Xorg in another way. You did execute that command as
root, didn't you? Do you execute it within a running X server and hence
user "X -configure :1"? Does the same happen when you use "Xorg
-configure :1" ?


    dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg

which should generate a xorg.conf file for you and read "man xorg.conf".
You can also base your configuration on


You can also use a different keymap switcher, e.g. stxkbmap with
suitable hotkeys configured in wmaker or run the applicable GNOME
daemons (gnome-settings-daemon) and configure your keymaps with

good luck

  .''`.     Wolodja Wentland    <wentl...@cl.uni-heidelberg.de> 
 : :'  :    
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