lrhorer <> writes:

>> lrhorer put forth on 5/20/2010 6:09 PM:
>>> How can I obtain the XFS file
>>> utilities - particularly xfs-repair - under "Squeeze"?

>        The simple answer to my original question was, "xfsprogs".  Doing a
>synaptic search for "xfs" returns far, far too many results through
>which to easily sift, and searching for "xfs_repair" returns none at

The meta-answer to your original question is
from which you can search the contents of packages if you know what
file you're looking for. At the bottom of that page is a section titled
"Search the contents of packages".

It's so useful that I have a iceweasel/firefox smart bookmark set up for
it, so I can just type "dpcs xfs_repair" into my address bar and I get
the answer you were looking for (dpcs == debian package content search)

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