Yes, why not. But if they are in PDF format, how can I (re)structure
them better? Thanks.

Erik Heil wrote:
> Hi there.
> I believe that I have some sollutions to your problems. First of all,
> you need to see whether or not your documentts are in some kind of
> structured format. if they are, say DocBookXML, or something similar,
> you may  be able to find a quick solution to the searching problem. if
> the documents are structured, you can probably parce them by entety
> type. of course, this depends on how well they are marked up. Like
> I've stated earlier, they key item here is to generate rapidly
> searchable indexes that can be quaried against. I'm assuming that
> since you deal with highly technical data, it is more or less in a
> structured form. You could even generate SQL statements and possibly
> use SQLLite if you don't want a full DB as overhead. Anyways, I'm more
> than willing to help in any way with this project of yours. Let me
> know what you think.

Merciadri Luca
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