On Sun, May 23, 2010 at 11:10:19AM +0200, Klistvud wrote:
> Dne, 23. 05. 2010 10:45:36 je Ron Johnson napisal(a):
> > Why?
> I frequently burn double-layer DVDs, requiring around 8GB of free space  
> for temporary files. Until now, I had to do that on another rig. Also,  
> I'm planning to do some video editing, which, I'm told, likewise  
> requires huge amounts of temporary space. On my / partition, I have  
> nowhere *near* that amount of free space.

IMHO, it is a good idea to implement LVM when possible.
In case you go on, I recently went through an actual BTDT situation:

Having /tmp mounted noexec,nosuid for security reasons, aptitude
failed to execute postinstall scripts.
The solution was to remount exec /tmp partition and rerun aptitude.
After that I had to add this to /etc/apt/apt.conf or under
/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/ (depends on your config)

DPkg::Pre-Invoke{"mount -o remount,exec /tmp";};                                
DPkg::Post-Invoke {"mount -o remount /tmp";};  

Some useful references:



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