On Sat,22.May.10, 07:04:26, Nate Bargmann wrote:
> I've not checked it out closely, but is alioth.debian.org similar to
> Ubuntu's Launchpad where community members can set up their own personal
> archive?  It seems as though someone who shows a personal interest and
> (pardon the pun) aptitude with packaging could thus gain some
> recognition and become a maintainer with a bit more effort.   Perhaps I
> am all wrong.

Yes, alioth currently hosts a lot of Debian and non-Debian related 
projects and anyone can get an account there with ssh access.

Personal archives can be hosted in ones own $HOME (as well as a VCS for 
example), but it has to be done by hand. I *think* Launchpad has a 
web-interface even for that, so it is more attractive for people... not 
very comfortable with the command-line.

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