On Wed,19.May.10, 00:34:02, Osamu Aoki wrote:
> New:
> If "sid" is used in the above example instead of "lenny", the "deb:
> http://security.debian.org/ …" line for security updates in the
> "/etc/apt/sources.list" is not required. This is because "sid"
> (unstable) is always updated whenever security issues are fixed.  There
> is no need to have a separate security update archive for "sid".

May I suggest:
If "sid" is used in the above example instead of "lenny", the "deb:
http://security.debian.org/ …" line for security updates in the
"/etc/apt/sources.list" is not required as there is no need to have a 
separate security update archive for "sid". This is because "sid"
(unstable) is *usually* updated whenever security issues are fixed for 

However, it can happen that the fixes are not applied immediately (e.g.  
the maintainer is waiting for a new version from upstream which fixes 
the issue) or issues exist which do not affect the version in stable or 
testing, in which case Debian will not even issue a DSA.
(DSA might need expanding/explaining if not already done in some other 

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