On Sun, Sep 07, 2003 at 06:39:25PM -0400, Jeff Elkins wrote:
> Horning in on this thread...
> There are several Windows programs that make copies of encrypted DVDs. Under 
> siege from the US court system and the MPAA, but currently available.
> Can any Linux programs do the same?  Using the libdvdcss library I can play 
> commercial DVDs w/o trouble. I'm in the market for a DVD recorder and I'd 
> like the option of making backups.

All you have to do is decrypt the vobs and then put them onto a DVD. I
haven't messed with VOB files in a long time, but I'm sure you can find
a program to do that somewhere.

You have to decrypt the vobs because consumer grade dvd blanks have the
decryption key preset to 00 00 00 00 00 or something like that.

Bijan Soleymani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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