On Sun, Sep 07, 2003 at 07:48:02PM +0200, Christophe Courtois wrote:
> Le Dimanche 7 Septembre 2003 17:51, Stefan Waidele jun. a d?clam? :
> > Well, first I ask myself: Why would anyone use Netscape 4?
>  For some people who are used to it and won't change
>  For some badly coded enterprise websites...

The number of websites that work in mozilla but fail in netscape 4 is
about 10 to 1 in my experience. I haven't really seen any pages that
work in netscape 4 but not in mozilla, but even if there is such a
thing, I doubt that people are coding for netscape 4 any more.

> > Numbers have arrived at 7.1 and there is Mozilla as a free alternative
> > and there is mozilla-firebird,...
>  For computers too old to run anything else than NS 3 or 4.

They can always run lynx or dillo :)

> > Since not even the company that made it supports yesterdays browser,
> > why should the 'next generation' of Debian?
>  I thought one of the points of open source [Ok, it is not open source, 
> but free] was that a project was never dead, and that you upgrade when 
> YOU want.
>  So, why not NS 4.77 in Sarge ? Assuming someone wants to maintain it, of 
> course.

It is impossible to maintain. Only netscape the company has the source
and can fix actual problems with the program. If they give up on the
program it's dead. This is one of the problems with proprietary

If you really need it you should be able to find it on ftp.netscape.com.

Bijan Soleymani <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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