On Sat, Sep 06, 2003 at 06:38:12PM -0300, Frank Hrebabetzky wrote:
> On Sat, 6 Sep 2003, Jason Chambers wrote:
> > A script which does "cat > /tmp/is-lpd-working" should prove the filter
> > is being called.
> >
> > Don't forget to get lpd to re-read /etc/printcap when you change
> > it though.
> Did that. My printcap is now:
> ##PRINTTOOL3## LOCAL uniprint 720x1440 a4 {} EpsonStylusColor740 Default {}
> lp|epson:\
>       :sd=/var/spool/lpd/lp:\
>       :mx#0:\
>       :sh:\
>       :lp=/dev/lp0:\
> #     :if=/usr/lib/printfilters/master-filter:\
>       :if=/root/SysAdmin/printtest:\
>       :PAPERSIZE=a4:\
>       :DESIRED_TO=ps:\
>       :ASCII_TO_PS=YES:\
>       :GSDEVICE=uniprint:\
>       :RESOLUTION=720x1440:\
>       :PS_SEND_EOF=NO:\
>       :NUP=1:\
>       :RTLFTMAR=18:\
>       :TOPBOTMAR=18:\
>       :TEXT_SEND_EOF=NO:
> and /root/SysAdmin/printtest is
> cat > /tmp/is-lpd-working
> I rebooted linux to be shure that the alterated printcap is called, but

To avoid rebooting you should do a 'checkpc -f' which will check the
/etc/printcap - making sure that filters exists and are executable and
that spool directories exists (-f makes it create any spool directories
with right permissions rather than just complaining about problems).

Then a 'lpc reread' (or calling the init.d script with reload) will get
lpd to use the new printcap.

> the only new file in /tmp has the name masteUN4lyJ and the content:
> Could not find requested printer:
> Could not find requested printer:
> Could not find requested printer:
> Could not find requested printer:
> No way to print this type of input file:              ASCII text

Odd.  Copied and pasted your printcap entry from the email and it worked
on my machine (I use lprng).  Have you tried lpq -v (use multiple v's
for even more output) it should show when it started the filter, what
its outcome was.

As you said in a previous mail that /dev/lp0 is working as you can copy
a text file to it and it prints then try a simple printcap entry with no

If that doesn't work try posting the output of lpq -v back.

 .''`.  Jason Chambers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
: :'  : Registered linux user #271693 
`. `'`  
  `-    http://www.debian.org/ - The Universal Operating System

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