On 2010-04-13 23:53, Charles Kroeger wrote:
> anyone having problems with their Nvidia card and drivers should first
> consult Lennart Sorensen's HOWTO:
> http://tinyplanet.ca/~lsorense/debian/debian-nvidia-dri-howto.html

I did it, thanks to the author. Lean and clean written. However, I
disagree with its content at some point. Is this whole Nvidia driver
installation some kind of religious debate? Why use the wording "Make
sure to remove all the garbage created by the nvidia installer..." if it
really just works? I've been using the official driver installer since
2008, and it works absolutely easy. A 1 liner to install and the same to
uninstall, AFAICS properly BTW.

What tricked me yesterday: Why don't I get the 2.6.32-4 kernel that
works with the 195.36.15 Nvidia driver although I have
linux-image-2.6-amd64 installed? I had to install it manually. The
document states
"amd64: Any AMD or Intel        apt-get install linux-image-2.6-amd64 ... That
will keep you running the latest kernel released by Debian"

And no, please no flaming, I have no intention to provoke someone. All I
say is: The Nvidia installer really works easily. And yes, you'll have
to kick the installer after kernel upgrades. As easy as the Debian way
these days. I would really appreciate some technical hint about the
benefits of the Debian way other than "the official installer suckz".
And yes, of course I also read


which says
"Advantages of "the Debian way":
    * More automated, which saves work if the kernel is changed. "
and I disagree.

> i.e. edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf -remove 'nivida' and replace with 'nv'
> very handy when the compile fails.
> and it will.

Oh yes. ;-)

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