On Fri,19.Mar.10, 11:53:28, Vincent Lefevre wrote:
> On 2010-03-19 00:22:51 -0400, Stefan Monnier wrote:
> > > update-alternatives --display flash-mozilla.so
> > > update-alternatives --config flash-mozilla.so
> > 
> > The choice should really be made at the level of individual users rther
> > than system-wide.
> Yes, I completely agree. BTW, this is not specific to Flash. There
> should be user-level alternatives (in addition to system-wide).

Some of that is already done by desktop environments for the obvious 
applications (web broser, mail client...), but I guess at least one of 
those DE projects would not include this functionality for such things 
as browser plugins "because it would be too complicated for the user". 

Do I need to name the DE I'm thinking off? ;)

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