On Wed,03.Mar.10, 20:03:01, Mihamina Rakotomandimby wrote:
> Manao ahoana, Hello, Bonjour,
> I have to use the "postfix" package from this repository:
>   deb http://debian.home-dn.net/lenny postfix-vda/
> But the package name (postfix) is the same.
> That means if I have official Debian reposotories _and_ that one
> enabled, what is the expected behaviour of apt if I perform a
>   "apt-get install postfix" ?


apt-cache policy postfix

> I suppose I have to use apt pinning, but as far as I know, apt pinning
> is between different debian releases, how to pin between these
> repositories for postfix?

Not necessarily. If the version is "higher" apt will most probably 
install that. I wrote "higher" with quotes because apt can be tricked 
via the epoch mechanism.

If the version is identical in theory it should be enough to just list 
the special repository before the official one, though I have seen 
reports on this list that it doesn't work (known bug?).

If the version is lower (apt-cache will tell you) then you will indeed 
need some pinning. You might be able to pin by 'postfix-vda', but if you 
need more guidance please post the output of above mentioned apt-cache 

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