Stan Hoeppner <> writes:

> Peter Tenenbaum put forth on 2/21/2010 10:01 PM:
>> Stan --
>> It sounds like, if the Realtek drivers are not present on the Debian
>> distribution, I have at least two options:  going to the Realtek site and
>> downloading their linux 64 bit drivers, or compiling my own kernel from
>> source on  Does that sound about right?
>> As far as video cards are concerned, I have a (probably) ignorant question:
>> how do I put the integrated northbridge video support to use on these
>> motherboards, since they do not appear to have any video output spigots on
>> them?
> Given the length of one of my recent posts, you may have missed this at the
> bottom.   To save yourself a lot of potential headache getting Debian
> installed and running, and keeping it running, you should really get this
> Intel motherboard, and not the Gibabyte or any others, specifically due to
> the onboard Intel Pro 1000 GigE chip.  It'll give superior performance
> compared to either the Realtek or Marvell, and you'll never have a
> compatibility issue with it WRT Linux/Debian drivers.  The Realtek
> 8111/8168/8169 has had such recent problems.
> I've never heard of a Linux problem relating to an Intel ethernet chip.
> They're just rock solid.  I use nothing else in my Debian servers due to
> problems with DEC 211x0 chips and some 3COM chips in the past.  3COM used to
> be the gold standard, but as I said, I had Linux problems with some 3C59x
> and 3C90x cards and switched to Intel.  I've never looked back.

Lightning zapped my 3c905b.  The cumputer had a surge protector, but the
cable side of the cable modem didn't.  It wiped out my whole wired
network.  DEC tulips were great but the drivers have suffered bit rot
since their heyday in the 90s.

After having trouble with the Realtek motherboard built-in ethernet, I
just sprung for a PCI Intel ethernet.  They are only like $30.

I hate Realtek ethernet, but it is very hard to find a motherboard with
anything else on it.  Thanks for the information.


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