* Robert Latest <boblat...@googlemail.com> 15.12.2009

> I've searched the Net up and down but had to realize in puzzlement
> that I seem to be the only one with this problem. After an upgrade
> from stable to testing I found that xpdf had gone. Sure enough, the
> OK, but where is the "xpdf" program now? The only thing with "xpdf" in
> its name is some virtual package called "xpdf-utils" which is provided
> by poppler-utils which doesn't contain xpdf.

Hello Robert,

it's now in the package 'xpdf-reader'. Also a suggestion is 'epdfview', 
which behaves like 'evince', but it's smaller.

Package: epdfview
Priority: optional
Section: x11
Version: 0.1.7-2
Provides: pdf-viewer
Description: Lightweight pdf viewer based on poppler libs
 The aim of ePDFView is to make a simple PDF document viewer, in the lines of
 Evince but without using the GNOME libraries.
Homepage: http://trac.emma-soft.com/epdfview/

Hth Michael

"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is 
dressed in overal looks like work."    -- Thomas A. Edison

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