Andrew Sackville-West wrote:
> This is only a guess, so hopefully someone who knows will chime in. It
> sounds like typical forking behavior to me.

ssh's privilege separation is somewhat atypical. From sshd_config(5):

             Specifies whether sshd(8) separates privileges by creating
             an unprivileged child process to deal with incoming network
             traffic.  After successful authentication, another process
             will be created that has the privilege of the authenticated
             user.  The goal of privilege separation is to prevent
             privilege escalation by containing any corruption within
             the unprivileged processes.  The default is “yes”.

The process tree looks like this:

root      1554  0.0  0.0   5456   692 ?        Ss   Nov19   0:00 /usr/sbin/sshd
root     29117  0.5  0.2   8516  2944 ?        Ss   18:42   0:00  \_ sshd: joey 
joey     29122  0.0  0.1   8648  1920 ?        S    18:42   0:00      \_ sshd: 
joey     29123  0.8  0.2   6984  2556 pts/3    Ss   18:42   0:00          \_ 

In order, the processes are:

* The parent process, listening for new connections and forking children.
* The privileged monitor process, that is never exposed directly to the
  network, and handles requests on behalf of the next process.
* The unprivileged process that talks to the network and runs the shell.

The original question was why the second process runs as root. 
As far as I can tell, the monitor needs root to:

a. Use PAM to authenticate the user in the first place.

b. Update the utmp file and do other cleanup at the end, including removing
   write permission to the tty device that was used during the session. 

see shy jo

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