Bernard wrote:
Hi to Everyone !

How can I learn how to make first steps in PHP ?

I run Debian Lenny, and I lately got acquainted with MySQL : I installed a server on my system, built a few databases there, using basic SQL scripts. I also learnt to manage those MySQL databases with OpenOffice.org_base.

Now, I wish to try managing those MySQL bases from a web page that would contain PHP scripts. I have found a short document, a kind of a FAQ, that explains a few PHP basics, still I miss some down-to-Earth knowledges :

Have I got to install one or more Debian packages for PHP ? '$apt-cache search PHP' gives too many results for a choice. If the MySQL server and databases end up to the webspace that my Internet Provider allows to me, I suppose that the PHP interpreter and/or compiler will have to be there, not on my system ? Still, I suppose that I must install something locally so as to be able to send meaningfull commands using appropriate scripts ? Prior to run tests on distant web space, I first wish to carry trials with connexions to my local mysql server.

Thanks in advance for your help

install the php module for apache, then head for the php org site.
the most basic thing to do is to see if phpinfo(); displays support for mysql-php..

if it does, then the next basic test is to see if you use an phpmysql dbconnect command and print a "1" or "0" to the html page.. and do a dbdisconnect phpcommand for any open closing before finishing the php page.

after this, you can try learning more from help online.. notably this might help

and go to the start of mysql_* named functions.. that should give a slight hint ;-)
good luck..

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