This morning I did a fresh install of testing amd64 to a new hard drive
in an effort to move to Debian from Ubuntu. This is actually my second
time around; the first time was a month ago. Unfortunately I managed to
mess up my window manager and after several days could not get it
fixed. I needed the computer for other things, so I put the old hard
disk with Jaunty back in and decided to reinstall from scratch later.

That later is now. However, the first time around I discovered that
Nautilus was messed up. If you click on Preferences it will crash. You
can't create bookmarks either. At the time of my first installation I
queried here and some kind soul informed me that it was a bug and that
the only solution was to wait for a the new version.

OK, fine, but it's really annoying. I understand this is testing and
bugs are to be expected. What I'd like to find out is what is the
progress on the new version that will supposedly fix the problems. Or
maybe I can install a release candidate of the new version. Or install
an older version that at least works. 

Unfortunately I seem to have deleted the e-mails from a month ago where
I asked about it. Can someone steer me to the place where bugs are
logged for Debian?

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