On Tue, Nov 17, 2009 at 10:23:34PM -0500, Zachary Uram wrote:
> Running Debian lenny. I installed the Catalyst driver (from
> manufacturer) for my ATI Radeon
> HD 4550 card and it seems to be working, but I noticed something weird.
> Now when I move a window it no longer shows the window static as it is
> being moved,
> it's like it keeps redrawing it as I move it. So as I drag it it will move it 
> a
> little then redraw the window, move it a little, then redraw the
> window, etc. 

don't take this the wrong way, but how do you think it is done? The
image is redrawn constantly to give the effect of motion. It's just
that usually the redraw happens fast enough for you to not see it.

I don't know a thing about ATI, but it sounds to me like the driver is
not making use of any hardware acceleration, so the redraw is taking
longer. I'm willing to bet that if you watch your cpu, you'll see it
taking the load when you rapidly move a window around. 

I would suggest investigating what acceleration is available for that
driver/card combination. There may be options you aren't using that
will remedy the situation for you. 

sorry I'm not more helpful, but maybe that points you in the right


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