On Tue, Nov 17, 2009 at 01:06:51PM +0100, Johan Gr?nqvist wrote:
> Allen skrev:
> >I'm running Debian 5.01, and I did a Netinstall. I'm wondering if
> >there are any Debian packages for Seamonkey. I don't like Firefox,
> >and I do like Seamonkey.
> In case you do not know, the corresponding package is called iceape
> in debian, and was excluded from the release due to lack of
> maintainers. I believe that will change now that seamonkey/iceape
> version 2 seems to have become available.

that would be good

> Often, when questions such as yours are asked, some people say that
> the binary downloads from mozilla work fine, but I have not tested
> that. I am not aware of seamonkey/iceape packages for lenny (debian
> 5.x).

I have previously download 1.18 from the seamonkey-projects site, but it
wasn't a deb - plus it was the amd64 community build as well, can't find
one for v2

> >
> >Also, are there any other Debian Repos that may have more
> >software? I don't care if it's free / open / or closed personally,
> >and I've been reading for places to find more, and I found a few
> >here and there, but not to many. Is there a place that has more
> >Debian software than what the Debian servers have?
> Except for the official repositories, I usually only use
> debian-multimedia.org and a repository from skype (I can not find
> the address now), but apt-get.org contains listings of many other
> repositories (click "view full list of sites" and search for e.g.,
> skype).

have to concur, I use the standard deb repo + multimedia + virtualbox

> Regards
> Johan

"As Luce reminded me, he said, without data, without facts, without 
information, the discussions about public education mean that a person is just 
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        - George W. Bush
Jacksonville, FL

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