
I reinstalled sun-6-java .. and now it's working.
First time I installed using aptitude, and get stuck with the license
agreement .. after fixing broken with synaptic manager, it didn't work,
so I think it was the license agreement, that did not pass.

Thanks for the help.

Kind regards,

Roy Stuivenberg.

Op maandag 16-11-2009 om 15:35 uur [tijdzone +0000], schreef Camaleón:
> El Mon, 16 Nov 2009 16:20:35 +0100, Roy Stuivenberg escribió:
> > Camaleon,
> > 
> > In this case, I think the question would be how to make the symbolic
> > link java-6-sun / iceweasel
> It should done automatically, once you run "update-alternatives" and 
> choose the Sun's one.
> Can you please post the results of the tests I told you before so we can 
> check what is being happening with your config? :-)
> Greetings,
> -- 
> Camaleón
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