> >>> deb ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/stable/latest/Debian woody main
> >>> Then do apt-get update and apt-get upgrade.
> I had done this before and thought that maybe Sarge had changed since then
> and made it impossible, but last night I kept at it and got it.  Actually I
> lost most of kde in the process, but the thing I wanted was quanta version
> 3.  I think I can get the rest of kde back, because I have these installed:
> [...]
> I would not recommend this to anyone.  It was a royal pain, because I had to
> install and uninstall things about 5 times running apt-get -f install to fix
> things etc.  I just really wanted to do it, because I had managed it on
> another partition and wanted to duplicate it.  It is very messy.

After having tracked some of the KDE updates I would not recommend it
for the faint of heart.  There is no clear update path at this moment.
The most reliable method I have found is to completely remove kde
first then install the new kde packages second.  Remember these are
not released and so there are problems to be worked out before it gets
into a releasable state.

How do you find and remove all of the old kde packages?  I am sure
there are better ways.  I found all version 2.2.2 packages and then
manually skimmed the list to make sure it was only kde packages and
then removed that list.  Don't remove awk or anything that is not part
of kde!

  COLUMNS=200 dpkg -l |grep -F 2.2.2 > /tmp/kdelist
  editor /tmp/kdelist  # manually verify and clean
  awk '{print$2}' /tmp/kdelist > /tmp/kdepkglist
  apt-get remove $(</tmp/kdepkglist)

I contemplated removing kdelibs but that did not seem to take
everthing with it.  But if there were a base package or two that would
be the simplest way.  I would be interested in hearing if someone
deduces the minimum set of things to remove to make all of kde-2.2.2
removed from the machine.

Having completely removed kde-2.2.2 the installation of 3.1.x worked
fine.  But as noted by another there is no kde meta package now.  So
you have to install the components.  Here is a partial list.  There
are also others that you might want too as well or perhaps you won't
want something from this list but this will certainly get someone
going pretty well.

  apt-get install arts kdelibs kdebase kdeaddons kdeartwork kdeutils kdemultimedia 
kdenetwork kdetoys kdm


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