T o n g:
> Anyone knows a good bi-directional file-synchronization tool that can 
> synchronize changes to files and directories in both directions on 
> different hosts, propagating the changes between them?
> This is mainly use to synchronize files and directories between my 
> notebook and desktop (at home and at work). Any good recommendation?

I really recommend using some kind of Version Control System. During my
studies, I had everything stored in Subversion. Nowadays I would
probably pick some distributed VCS like Mercurial or Git.

"Classical" tools for synchronisation only work well for two systems,
(D)VCSs work for an arbitrary number of systems. Additionally, you get
file history for free. And the distributed VCSs are very efficient when
synchronising data.

If I had to live on a desert island I would take a mobile phone,
preferably a Nokia 8810.
[Agree]   [Disagree]

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