On Thursday 17 September 2009 12:05:32 Preston Boyington wrote:
> I have a laptop that functions 'just right' hardware wise so I have no
> interest in upgrading the compiled kernel (2.6.26 I believe), xorg, or
> rhythmbox (11.6).
> I am looking into apt pinning for the first time and while I'm reading
> up would like a little clarification.
> Is pinning going to be the best way to hold these specific packages
> indefinitely?


> After pinning will I be able to
> 'aptitude dist-upgrade' without worry of overwriting these packages?

Mostly.  Aptitude my still propose a solution that uses packages with a lower 
priority, but it will ask you to accept the solution before it makes any 
changes to the system.  Once such a solution is presented you can always use 
"reject" commands to prevent the solver from proposing that same action again 
during this run.

AFAIK, there's no way to tell aptitude: don't ever even present a solution 
that involves changing the version of these packages.

> It seems that in /etc/apt/preferences I just need to put:
> Package: rhythmbox
> Pin: version 11.6*
> Pin-Priority: 1001
> and that will hold Rhythmbox at the current installed version.

That sounds about right.  You can use (apt-cache policy rhythmbox) to check 
the priority of the various available versions.

> Will
> marking the packages in Aptitude 'manual' do the same thing?

Absolutely not.  Aptitude's manual/auto setting has doing to do with 
priorities.  It does affect the score of solutions, but that's not the same.  
Marking a package as automatic will let aptitude (or apt autoremove) remove 
the package as soon as no other package depends on it; marking a package as 
manual inhibits that behavior.  By default, packages you list on the command 
line are considered manually installed, while packages pulled in to satisfy 
dependencies are considered automatically installed.  Aptitudes curses UI 
displays the [A]utomatic/manual status of each installed package.
Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.                   ,= ,-_-. =.
b...@iguanasuicide.net                  ((_/)o o(\_))
ICQ: 514984 YM/AIM: DaTwinkDaddy         `-'(. .)`-'
http://iguanasuicide.net/                    \_/

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  • pinning question Preston Boyington
    • Re: pinning question Boyd Stephen Smith Jr.

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