-----Original Message-----
From: K. Jantzen [mailto:k.d.jant...@t-online.de] 
Sent: 17 September 2009 11:29
To: DebianUser
Subject: Starting MTA:


in the booting sequence of Debian lenny I see a line  saying

Starting MTA:

It  "takes ages" until  Debian comes up with "exim4". Thus booting takes 
quite some time.

What does that mean?
Do I have to have that?
If not, how can I get rid of it. 



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This might help a bit http://www.howtoforge.com/perfect_setup_debian_sarge_p3

MTA is mail transfer agent, exim is one of those, like sendmail, postfix et al, 
and you can remove this. Check the guide under install/remove some software

update-rc.d -f exim remove

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