> From: Eduardo M KALINOWSKI [mailto:edua...@kalinowski.com.br] 
> Sent: Saturday, August 29, 2009 2:07 PM
> Jason C. Wells wrote:
> > Is it customary here to CC both respondents and the list, 
> or just the 
> > list?  In BSD-land we CC every individual in a discussion 
> plus the list.
> >   
> Just the list. (After all, the purpose of the mailing list software is
> to distribute e-mails to those who want them, so no need to do that
> manually.)
> http://www.debian.org/MailingLists/#codeofconduct

How come the list software makes it a hassle to reply to just the list?  The
CoC specifically states:

"When replying to messages on the mailing list, do not send a carbon copy
(CC) to the original poster unless they explicitly request to be copied."

If this is official Debian policy, then why don't they set the Reply-To
header to be the list?  As it is now, every time I reply, I have to manually
edit the addressee list.  Hitting Reply only goes to the original poster.
Reply All goes to the poster and the list.

-- Kevin

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