Jerome BENOIT:
> Jochen Schulz wrote:
>> Jerome BENOIT:
>>> can OpenVPN connect to a Juniper network ?
>> I don't think so. OpenVPN uses its own approach to establishing a VPN. I
>> would be very surprised if Juniper had copied it (or vice versa). You
>> need to find out whether Juniper invented something on their own or uses
>> standard protocols (PPtP, IPSec etc.) and use that.
> Let say that on Max OS X, I can connect by using the PPtP protocol:
> should it work ?

Should what work? Connecting with OpenVPN obviously doesn't work since
it doesn't use PPtP. But you can use ppp for that.

I wish I could achieve a 'just stepped out of the salon' look more
often. Or at least once.
[Agree]   [Disagree]

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