kj wrote:
Has anyone tried this (and succeeded?).  I got a new machine at work and
took the opportunity to install Squeeze, which came with KDE4.

I have some real problems with the new Konsole, and since I spend 9+
hours a day working in it, this is becoming an issue for me:

1.  None of the fonts are easily readable for me.  The font I used to
use - 'console8x16.pcf' - won't install here.  The font installer in the
settings app doesn't see it, and konsole doesn't have a way to do this
(that I can see).

I use Bitstream Vera Sans Mono, size 11, and it looks fine.

2.  copy&paste seems to be erratic.  I do a lot of copying output from
stuff I do console into our ticketing system.  One thing that's driving
me up the wall, is for some reason, I get blank space inserted at the
end of lines.   For example, I'll have the output of a select in MySQL
(not sure if this will survive mail):

| Column1 | Column2 |
| item1   | item2   |
| item3   | item4   |
| item5   | item6   |

Will come out as:

| Column1 | Column2 |
| item1   | item2
| item3   | item4
| item5   | item6

In case this gets fudged, what happens is blank space (as much as there is on the console, based on the window size) gets inserted as part of the line. It seems to treat the last pipe as the start of a word, containing all the blank space, so with word wrap, the pipe gets pushed to the next line, so that the "word" fits in.

Which version do you use? Maybe you have the 'bi-directional text rendering' feature enabled? I use version: 4:4.2.4-1 and if I understand you well, I can't reproduce what you describe.

Namely, I open konsole. I login to mysql. I execute query. I get:

mysql> select id,latX from buildings limit 1;
| id  | latX      |
| 01a | 40.632006 |
1 row in set (0.02 sec)


the above was copied here after selecting these lines from konsole with the mouse. Looks OK, doesn't it?

I then quit mysql, give a 'joe' (text editor):
$ joe /tmp/test

and past it there also:

mysql> select id,latX from buildings limit 1;
| id  | latX      |
| 01a | 40.632006 |
1 row in set (0.02 sec)


the above was copied from konsole, from inside joe. Everything looks fine. Where exactly does it brake in your steps?

Send us also the output of:
$ env


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