[skipping a lot of lines ...]

 Lubos> It seems that I have to take another approach so I'm wondering
 Lubos> if there is someone who would be interested in
 Lubos> presenting/submitting helpful linux articles/howtos on
 Lubos> linuxconfig.org website. There is also possibility on
 Lubos> collaboration and creation of new articles/howto's. Any other
 Lubos> ideas are also welcome !

Basically, there are more than enough one-man shows out there so, with
every new "Wiki" popping folks are quite skeptical. And rightfully so --
it would benefit the community on what is there already and try to
improve those.

However, a free person should have the right to do whatever she/he feels
like and if it is another wiki, then so be it. I have website with a few
articles which I basically started to keep notes for myself, then added
stuff others thought would be useful -- finally, some articles got quite


[there is more ...]

Anyhow, all I am trying to say is that my "Idea" (you asked for others
Idea) is that maybe yet another new wiki is not as good as improving
existing ones like for example wiki.debian.org. If you do however
need/want to create your own wiki, just do so, do not let anybody tell
you otherwise :-)

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