lee> Yeah, you got an endless ~./emacs with a lot things in it. But
 lee> that doesn't say how to get gnus to work, either.

You have to start with Gnus-select-method and nnmaildir (imap) and nntp
(news). See examples in my .emacs and/or manual.

 lee> It seems to be fine with the ~/.gnus I created and happily
 lee> displays an empty buffer, and that's it.

Yes, because it does not have any info to display yet.

 lee> Btw, is gnus good for organizing mail? Since it's a news reader,
 lee> it might not support that at all because you don't organize news.
 lee> I'm trying to find a MUA that supports organizing mail --- mutt,
 lee> for example, doesn't; sup "solves" the problem by abandoning the
 lee> idea of organizing mail altogether. Maybe I could use it, but it
 lee> doesn't run stable enough to try it out. I don't want a GUI MUA,
 lee> and it must support maildir. I want to continue using emacs or
 lee> xemacs as an editor for mails.

If by organizing you mean sieve, scoring, grouping and things like that,
then yes, Gnus is very good for organizing mail.

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