On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 08:28:36PM -0500, Nate Bargmann wrote:
> * Alex Samad <a...@samad.com.au> [2009 Jul 16 19:40 -0500]:
> > I am all for convenience, but I am also for the right to choose, sounds
> > like HAL is not really needed for X, so it should be a recommends and
> > not a depends.
> I've played some with the new features of Xorg earlier this year,
> xrandr.  The HAL capability is essential for plugging in an external
> monitor of unknown resolution and then being able use it seemlessly as
> a mutlihead system.  Note that I played with it for a couple of days
> and the "monitor" was a Samsung LCD TV.  I have no doubt that I would
> have spent days getting things to work the old way.

I seem to be able to do this with my nvidia driver and nvidia settings

> This issue can be solved by identifying what HAL provides to Xorg. 
> Evidently the Debian X Strike Force team has decided that HAL is a
> dependency that will enhance the distribution.  Other users disagree,
> obviously.  Perhaps this identifies an area of possible improvement in
> Debian where the users could provide input to the developers in a more
> direct fashion than via bug reports.  I don't have a clue as to how
> this might be implemented, however.

but as has been pointed out it is going to be replaced 

> - Nate >>

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