On Thu, Aug 28, 2003 at 06:46:09AM -0500, Ron Johnson wrote:
> Lets take my MUA, Evolution, for example.  It's not processor 
> intensive.  Why couldn't it be written in Python?  

One of the main reasons is that Python leaves a loot of the resolving to
runtime, that means that the code actually has to be run before you can
see tha actuall typo found at compile time in languanges as C. 

> So many potential bugs related to pointers and null-terminated 
> strings would be eliminated.  The SLOC count would be lowered, and

Yes that kind of problem would be removed, but Python code has other
parts that may as well fail. Many being simples problems of types that
simply isn't resolved untill runtime and as all code isn't run all the
time it may burry it self long down and hidden. I think that is bad for
large projects.

> For the necessary GUI stuff, use the existing wrappers python-gtk2
> and python-gnome2.

wxPython would be a better choise in my mind. Python is good for a loot
many project but it does however don't solve problem with bad coding. If
you have potestion null pointer probelsm in C then you are coding in  a
bad style for that language. That will give you problems in any

/ Balp
      o_   Anders Arnholm,               HiQ - Consultant
 o/  /\    [EMAIL PROTECTED]             Phone  : +46-703-160969
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