AG wrote:
On Squeeze, am wanting to use front end to R (RKWard).
Error msg is: "R backend requests information" with a text box titled
I don't know what it is looking fo and attempt to provide paths (e.g.
/usr/lib/R, and so on) but nothing takes. Then click cancel and the
program crashes.
Error on console is:
failed to find gam_server Failed to connect to socket
kbuildsycoca running... failed to find
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Type 'q()' to quit R.
Failed to connect to socket /tmp/fam-ag-
Segmentation fault
Why on earth would I need gam_server? Whenever that thing stirs my
memory usage goes up significantly. I've had to disable the damn
thing. Anyway, I re-enabled the gam_server and restarted RKWard and
the same thing again. This time in the text box I entered the path to
the gam_server, but no good, so clicked cancel and RKWard crashed.
This time though, the terminal output simply read "segmentation
fault", without further info.
Anyone have any clues what this may be about? I have used RKWard fine
on Lenny, so am used to it, but am happy to try out another GUI for R
if someone has suggestions? I'm not a "hard-core" R user to try it on
the CLI only!! Either this or a suggestion on how to get RKWard
working on my machine.
BTW, yes R works fine - despite my CLI diffidence, I can run a few
tests and yes R works fine. It is definitely the interface.
Now I'm off to disable that darn gam_server again.
Don't know if this is the best work around or not, but I changed my
sources list and downloaded RKWard from unstable - all works fine.
Apparently the fixed version has not yet made its way into testing.
Anyway, if anyone else runs into this as an issue, then this would be a
viable fix.
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