On Thu, 2003-08-28 at 01:55, Steve Lamb wrote: --snip-- > Hence it is not other people's style I dislike, it is the freakin' braces. startHolyWar(emacs-vs-vi); return 0;
startHolyWar(typeOfWar) { do { print "Insert new response: "; $response = <STDIN>; } until ($response =~ /[Hh]itler|[Nn]azis?/); } That's only because you're not using the One True Editor! :) If you're using emacs with a good mode for the language a lot of that is taken care of for you. I've never seen anything that comes anywhere even close to cperl though. I type: if I get if (<cursor placed here) { <later cursor position> } After filling in the condition, I hit enter and my cursor gets moved to the "later" position. That way, there's nothing to hate about brackets. :) And I must say that of what I've seen of Python, I get very easily confused. Trying to keep track of levels of loops and if's based on indentation just doesn't cut it for me. I deal much better with counting brackets or, better yet, having The One True Editor highlight corresponding brackets as I pass over their partners. :) -- Alex Malinovich Support Free Software, delete your Windows partition TODAY! Encrypted mail preferred. You can get my public key from any of the pgp.net keyservers. Key ID: A6D24837
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