> The fuse group should have been created by the post-installation script > of the fuse-utils package. > >> I created it and added my user to the >> group. >> I still get the same error message. :-(. Any ideas? > > Check if there are any problems with the fuse-utils package on your > system. > > -- > Regards, | http://users.icfo.es/Florian.Kulzer > Florian |
I had installed ifuse through aptitude and turns out fuse-utils wasn't installed automatically. I installed it, but still no luck. I should mention that even before installing fuse-utils I was able to mount the iphone as root. >From websites I have seen, I'm trying to mount it using any the following: 1. ifuse iphone/ -s 2. mount /media/iphone (In fstab: /dev/hda /media/iphone fuse.ifuse user,noauto 0 0) 3. /sbin/mount.fuse.ifuse /dev/hda /media/iphone -s All of these methods give me the same error message. Thanks for your help.. Alejandro Salas