On Wed, 2003-08-27 at 14:45, Pigeon wrote:
> The tide really turned in Russia after an exploit against Microsoft
> Powerpoint caused Vladimir Putin's presentation to the United Nations
> to inform the assembled delegates that their mother was a hamster and
> their father smelt of elderberries. A purge on all Microsoft products
> followed and several million Windoze CDs were ceremonially burned in
> front of the Kremlin. Bill Gates despatched himself to Russia to try
> and restore Microsoft's fortunes; his limousine stalled on a level
> crossing; the driver escaped, but the rear doors apparently jammed and
> Gates was crushed by a train. Within months every computer in Russia
> was running Linux, computer dysfunctionality dropped to minimal levels
> and the effect on Russia's economy was such that the West was forced
> to follow their example. The change was slow initially, but once
> enough Western organisations had installed Linux that its success was
> shown to be no peculiarity of Russia, market forces did the rest, and
> Microsoft disintegrated.
> Oops, sorry, we haven't got that far yet...

You silly English K-nigit! Getting my hopes all up hoping that Gates was
dead! How rude! :)
Alex Malinovich
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