On Fri,26.Jun.09, 09:55:47, Foss User wrote:
> When I launch reportbug in Squeeze, fill up the details and click
> "Submit the bug report via email" on the last dialog box, reportbug
> crashes and I get this message in the shell:
> Usage: /usr/sbin/sendmail -f f...@address.com -h relayhost [OPTIONS]
> (use -H for help)

You could try configuring reportbug (see below) to *not* use your local 
mail server, but instead submit the report directly (reportbug has 
built-in SMTP capabilities).

> * How can I report a bug if it crashes?
The bug report is just a specially formated e-mail. reportbug just 
collects a bit more info about your system and the package in question.  
You should not try to do this yourself unless you read the docs very 

> * Is there a way to report a bug in reportbug?

$ reportbug reportbug


> * The old console based reportbug of Lenny used to work. Can I revert
> to the console based reportbug?

Yes, try:

$ reportbug --configure

If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.
(Albert Einstein)

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