Frédéric Aliotti([EMAIL PROTECTED]) is reported to have said:
> I have installed Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 rl "Woody" Official i386.
> I'm trying to use an application called Cyberdocs on this computer : this 
> application have to open to convert word documents to XML. 
> This process is triggered by a java application. Everything is properly 
> installed.
> My problem is that can't be oppened by Cyberdocs : I get 
> this message : Connection refused ...
> I don't have this problem when I use Redhat or Mandrake.
> Maybe a security prb.
> thx for your help.

Do you have java installed (j2re1.4.2)?  Have you set up OO to use Java?
Have you run jvmsetup and did it find your Java installation?  

If you ansered no to the above, the problem is yours, not Debians.

The j2re1.4 from woody is not what OO is looking for.  Download
j2re1.4.2 from the sun site and then do the above, or if you have Java
working with OO on RH or ManD. use the rpm and alien to get it on your
Debian box.  I don't think the j2re1.4.2 is packaged for Debian as of yet.

It is easier to write an incorrect program than understand a correct

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